Outcome of Liver Transplantation in a Hispanic Population: 100 Liver Transplantsin Puerto Ricans

Ángel E. Alsina, Esther A. Torres, Iván Antúnez, Henry González, Victor Bowers, James Huang, John Leone, Teresa Potter


Background: The residents of Puerto Rico (PR) had limited access to liver transplantation (LT x) prior to 1996. LT x remains locally unavailable and success rates for LT x for patients from PR have never been published. The outcome of the first 100 LTx recipients from PR transplanted at our center is analyzed. Methods: 100 consecutive patients transplanted between 3/1997 and 1/2005 were evaluated. Results: Hepatitis C was the indication for LT x in 44%. Overall patient survival at 1, 3 and 5 yrs was: 94.0%, 81.4% and 75.7%, respectively, while for hepatitis C, it was 90%, 73% and 73%, respectively. At mean follow up of 44 mo., 80% of patients were alive (66% HCV were alive vs 91% non HCV, p < 0.01). Conclusions: Access to LT x in Puerto Rico has dramatically improved since 1996. The governmentsponsored fund has provided access to indigent patients. Decreased survival in this minority population was not observed at 1, 3 and 5 years. Long term survival was most affected by recurrence of HCV.


Access to liver transplant; Hispanics; outcome liver transplant

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Published by the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
Founded in 1982