Characteristics, Upon Presentation, of a Cohort of Hispanic Patients with Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy

Frances M. Marrero, Edgar De Jesus, Samuel Alvarez, Israel J. Mendez Bermudez, Mariam Vila, Carmen Santos, Armando L. Oliver


Objective: To describe the characteristics, upon presentation, of a cohort of Hispanic patients with birdshot retinochoroidopathy. Methods: A retrospective chart review of Hispanic patients with birdshot retinochoroidopathy of was performed. The demographic and clinical characteristics were analyzed. Results: Nine patients who met the research criteria for a diagnosis of birdshot retinochoroidopathy were identified and included in the analysis, all of whom were HLA-A29 positive. The median age of the cohort upon presentation was 52 years; 89% of the patients were female, and all were Hispanics. Ninety-four percent of the eyes had an initial visual acuity of 20/50 or better, while 72% had measured 20/25 or better. Sixty-one percent of the eyes had retinal vasculitis, which was bilateral in 83% of the cases. Thirty-three percent of the patients had, upon presentation, evidence of cystoid macular edema, which was always bilateral. All the eyes had the typical birdshot lesions, at presentation. Conclusion: Birdshot retinochoroidopathy can be found in Hispanic patients. Our study suggests that the characteristics upon presentation in Hispanics may be similar to those of Caucasian cohorts.


Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy; Hispanics; HLA-A29; Retinal Vasculitis; Posterior Uveitis

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Published by the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
Founded in 1982