Bedside Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Recurrent Pseudomyxoma Peritonei, an Alternative to Current Methods in a Low-Resource Tertiary Center

Jaime A. Aponte-Ortiz, Álvaro Gracia-Ramis, Texell Longoria, Pablo Mojica-Mañosa


Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a condition presenting with tumors of the abdominal cavity presenting which could lead abdominal distention and ascites secondary to mucus production. Tumors of this type are potentially fatal due to their obstructing of abdominal structures. The current management of the condition includes surgical debulking with intraoperative or postoperative chemotherapy with protocols such as hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy and early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (EPIC), respectively. We describe herein a case in which a tumor debulking surgery was performed. Afterwards, we placed intraperitoneal catheters so that a 4-day regimen of bedside intraperitoneal 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy could be administered on her bedside. Chemotherapy was infused and removed with the use of Hemovac and Jackson-Pratt drainage catheter systems attached to suction, for the intrahospital management of recurrent PMP in a young Hispanic female patient. Though it requires further study, we propose this method as a safe and effective alternative to current strategies at low income or resources centers.


Pseudomyxoma peritoneii; EPIC; HIPEC

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Published by the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
Founded in 1982