Evidence Based Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease In The Elderly-2006

Mario R. García-Palmieri


Eighty percent of coronary deaths occur in people above 65 years of age. Fifty percent of deaths in persons above 85 years of age is due to coronary artery disease. The overall aging of the population and the improvement in survival of patients with coronary artery disease has been creating a growing large population of elderly adults who are elegible for secondary prevention. Multiple clinical trials and research trials have revealed evidence based information confirming the usefulness and effectiveness of secondary prevention of coronary artery disease in the elderly patient. The secondary prevention beneficial results have been obtained by addressing and controlling the predisposing items recognized a coronary risk factors. Secondary preventive measures, including lifestyle modifications and pharmacotherapy, modifying risk factors in elderly patients, have been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality from coronary artery disease. Evidence based data on prevention in elderly patients with coronary artery disease concerning smoking cessation, treatment of hypertension, control of hyperlipidemia, improved dietary patterns, physical activity, moderation in alcohol intake, management of diabetes, weight management, use of antiplatelet agents, beta blockers and renin-angiotensin andosterone blockers is summarized. Emphasis has been given to AHA/ACC consensus statements on the prevention of coronary artery disease.

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Published by the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
Founded in 1982