Disease evolution of patients with mycosis fungoides - a report of 30 cases

Alma C. Berlingeri-Ramos, Graciela De Jesús, Jorge L. Sánchez, José R. González


Mycosis fungoides is the most common disease of the primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma group. This is a retrospective study to evaluate the outcome of 30 patients with mycosis fungoides who were followed up for at least 3 years, 18 of them followed for 5 years and 9 of them followed for 7 years. A total of 10 patients achieved a sustained remission, 2 patients achieved a remission but then relapsed and three patients died from lymphoma-related death. It is concluded that the majority of the patients with T1 or T2 stage MF usually have a good prognosis. As a rule, those who do progress further in the disease have advanced stages at the moment of the diagnosis; the disease progression occurring during the first 3-5 years after diagnosis.

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Published by the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
Founded in 1982