Internal consistency of the CHAMPS physical activity questionnaire for Spanish speaking older adults

Martin G. Rosario, Jenniffer M. Vázquez, Wanda I. Cruz, Alexis Ortiz


Introduction: The Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors (CHAMPS) is a physical activity monitoring questionnaire for people between 65 to 90 years old. This questionnaire has been previously translated to Spanish to be used in the Latin American population. Purpose: To adapt the Spanish version of the CHAMPS questionnaire to Puerto Rico and assess its internal consistency. Methods: An external review committee adapted the existent Spanish version of the CHAMPS to be used in the Puerto Rican population. Three older adults participated in a second phase with the purpose of training the research team. After the second phase, 35 older adults participated in a third content adaptation phase. During the third phase, the preliminary Spanish version for Puerto Rico of the CHAMPS was given to the 35 participants to assess for clarity, vocabulary and understandability. Interviews to each participant in the third phase were carried out to obtain feedback and create a final Spanish version of the CHAMPS for Puerto Rico. After analyses of this phase, the external review committee prepared a final Spanish version of the CHAMPS for Puerto Rico. The final version was administered to 15 older adults (76 ± 6.5 years) to assess the internal consistency by using Cronbach’s Alpha analysis. Results: The questionnaire showed a strong internal consistency of 0.76. The total time to answer the questionnaire was 17.4 minutes. Conclusion: The Spanish version of the CHAMPS questionnaire for Puerto Rico suggested being an easy to administer and consistent measurement tool to assess physical activity in older adults.

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Published by the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus
Founded in 1982